2005 & 2006 Tall Fescue Harvest – Chilliwack (Rutley Farm)

2005 & 2006 Tall Fescue Harvest – Chilliwack (Doug Rutley Farm)

Cultivar 2005 Total 2006 2005 & 2006
two-year avg
% of Barcel
Cut 1
May 9
Cut 2
June 23
Cut 3
Nov 1
BRONSON 12.01 4.41 3.46 0.71 8.58 10.29 105
CARMINE 11.39 4.75 3.56 0.77 9.07 10.23 104
BARCEL 10.86 4.66 3.75 0.43 8.84 9.85 100
STOCKMAN 11.37 4.79 3.2 0.44 8.42 9.78 99
BAROLEX 10.43 4.48 3.78 0.49 8.75 9.59 97
KORA 11.03 4.48 3.02 0.39 7.89 9.46 96
HYKOR 10.73 3.95 3.27 0.5 7.71 9.22 94
UMTF 10.41 3.94 3.3 n/a 7.24 8.83 90
TUSCANY 10.1 3.98 3.11 0.44 7.54 8.82 90
K5V66V 9.16 4.7 3.11 0.37 8.18 8.67 88
Mean 10.75 4.41 3.36 0.51 8.22 9.47
CV 10.9 11.6 10.7 39.8 9.5 8.6
LSD (P 1.22 0.58 0.39 0.25 0.64 0.73

CV = Coefficient of variation
LSD = Least significant difference
n/a = In November 2006 UMTF plots were over-run with volunteer grasses or weeds.
BARCEL was used as the check cultivar.

Site Information: The site is located in East Chilliwack. The site has a Matsqui series soil, described as an eluviated brunisol, well drained and derived from medium textured, stone-free, Fraser Valley floodplain deposits. The surface texture is silt loam or loam. Sand is often present in the sub-soil.

Design: Randomized complete block design with four replicates.

Plot Size: 4′ by 20′

Harvest Area: 2′ by 20′

Seeding: Broadcast – seeded

Fertilizer: In 2005 fertilizer was applied to plots prior to cuts 1, 2, 3 and 4, at 100, 75, 50 and 50 kg N ha-1 respectively. In 2006 fertilizer was applied to plots prior to cuts 1, 2, and 3, at 100, 75, and 50 kg N ha-1 respectively.

Weed Control: A mixture of 2,4-D, Mecoprop, and Dicamba was applied to the plots in July in 2005 and in May and August 2006.

Irrigation: The plots received no irrigation.

NOTE: Tall Fescue was planted at the Rutley Farm in the spring of 2004 to replace poorly established tall fescue planted at the Hylkema Farm in the spring of 2003.