2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage – Smithers

2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage Harvest – Smithers

Aug 11
Aug 17
Aug 2
3 Year Average
DM Yield in kg/ha 2004-2006 % of check
Waldren 3476 5191 3237 3968 127
CDC Bell 3446 5451 2825 3907 125
CDC Baler 2947 5078 2650 3558 114
Derby 2993 4233 2169 3132 100
Morgan 2867 3429 2278 2858 91
Boyer 2974 4956
Mean 3117 4723 2632 3565 .
CV 17 22 16 16 .
LSD 470 NSD 223 532 .
Ponoka 3100 8157 2535 4597 127
CDC Cowboy 3125 7430 2784 4446 123
Helgasen 2665 7518 2016 4066 112
Seebe 2936 6976 2236 4049 112
Vivar 2305 6875 2456 3879 107
Xena 2883 6481 2115 3826 106
Manny 3169 5120 2718 3669 101
AC Lacombe 2942 5703 2214 3620 100
CDC Dolly 2933 6081 1649 3554 98
Trochu 2429 5449 2676 3518 97
CDC Bold 2211 6243 1961 3472 96
Westford 2567 5178 2050 3265 90
Dillon 2513 5051 1778 3114 86
Niska 2736
FB 006 6674
FB 414 3042
FB 013 2801
FB 012 2725
FB 416 2795
Mean 2751 6353 2399 3737 .
CV 32 19 22 16 .
LSD NSD 1052 528 544 .

Note: Maple and Parade peas were grown in mixtures with Ponoka barley in 2006, but produced little pea growth due to the drought conditions.

CV = Coefficient of variation
LSD = Least significant difference
NSD = F tests indicate that there were no significant differences between variety yields at alpha = 0.05
AC Lacombe was used as the barley check variety; Derby was used as the oat check variety.