2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage – Francois Lake

2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage Harvest – Francois Lake

Aug 11
Aug 17
Aug 3
3 Year Average
DM Yield in kg/ha 2004-2006 % of check
CDC Bell 6308 6855 2922 5362 111
Waldren 6352 6832 2823 5336 111
Derby 6044 6058 2328 4810 100
CDC Baler 5353 6020 2965 4779 99
Morgan 5968 5015 2600 4528 94
Boyer 6413 6570
Mean 6073 6225 2728 5218 .
CV 12 16 13 15 .
LSD NSD 1079 253 602 .
Ponoka 7491 10,468 3345 7101 136
CDC Cowboy 7604 9067 3636 6769 129
Seebe 7872 8409 2906 6396 122
Helgasen 7467 8790 2419 6225 119
Manny 6849 7979 2575 5801 111
CDC Dolly 7656 7122 2513 5764 110
Xena 7236 7324 2619 5726 109
CDC Bold 6552 7374 2553 5493 105
Vivar 6793 6749 2325 5289 101
Trochu 6415 6814 2500 5243 100
AC Lacombe 7145 6467 2107 5240 100
Dillon 6181 6235 2254 4890 93
Westford 6150 6139 2070 4786 91
Niska 6588
FB 006 7961
FB 414 2886
FB 013 2752
FB 012 2350
FB 416 2627
Mean 7000 7636 2651 5748 .
CV 11 20 22 14 .
LSD 670 1570 530 569 .

Note: Maple and Parade peas were grown in mixtures with Ponoka barley in 2006, but produced little pea growth due to drought conditions.

CV = Coefficient of variation
LSD = Least significant difference
NSD = F tests indicate that there were no significant differences between variety yields at alpha = 0.05
AC Lacombe was used as the barley check variety; Derby was used as the oat check variety.