2005 Orchardgrass Harvest – Chilliwack (John Hylkema Farm)

2005 Orchardgrass Harvest – Chilliwack (John Hylkema Farm)

Dry Matter Yield (tonnes/ha)
Cultivar Cut 1
May 10
Cut 2
July 5
Cut 3
Aug 8
Cut 4
Sept 26
Total % of
LALL 4.72 3.57 2.03 0.87 11.19 118
MALL 4.75 3.07 2.21 1.08 11.1 117
CMV-B 4.79 3.29 1.76 0.91 10.75 113
EALL 4.65 3.09 1.91 1.13 10.79 113
ELSIE 4.7 3.15 1.78 1.05 10.69 112
OG9703 4.51 3.18 1.93 1.01 10.63 112
CENTURY 4.27 3.16 1.97 1.03 10.43 110
PSOG-9201 4.59 3.09 1.82 0.96 10.46 110
NIVA 4.56 3.19 1.72 0.68 10.15 107
BARAULA 4.37 3.41 1.46 0.89 10.02 105
ICON 4.12 3.08 1.64 1.1 9.95 105
AMBASSADOR 4.13 2.94 1.5 1.01 9.57 101
ATHOS 3.94 3.25 1.41 0.9 9.51 100
POTOMAC 4.54 2.7 1.43 0.84 9.52 100
PS-65-9102 3.83 3.22 1.37 0.81 9.22 97
CIS-OG 4 4.04 2.89 1.21 0.84 8.98 94
ALPINE 3.73 2.94 na na na na
Mean 4.37 3.14 1.7 0.94 10.19
CV 11.5 9.5 23 35.3 10.3
LSD (P 0.62 0.33 0.35 NSD* 1.11

CV= Coefficient of variation
LSD=Least significant difference

Potomac was used as check cultivar
*NSD=F tests indicate no significant differences between yields at alpha = 0.05

Site Information: The site is located in East Chilliwack. The site has a Fairfield series soil, described as gleyed eluviated melanic brunisol, imperfectly drained and derived from medium and some moderately fine-textured, stone-free, Fraser Valley floodplain deposits.

Design: Randomized complete block design with four replicates.
Plot Size: 4′ by 20′
Harvest Area: 2′ by 20′
Seeding: Broadcast seeded
Fertilizer: Fertilizer was applied to plots prior to cuts 1, 2, 3 and 4, at 100, 75, 50 and 50 kg N ha-1 respectively.
Weed Control: Dyvel was applied to the plots in July.
Irrigation: The plots received no irrigation.