2004 Perennial Ryegrass Harvest – East Chilliwack


2004 Perennial Ryegrass Harvest – East Chilliwack
Dry Matter Yield (tonnes/ha)
Cultivar Cut 1
May 13
Cut 2
Jun 25
Cut 3
Sep 22
Cut 4
Oct 26
Total % Check
Early Maturing Cultivars
ARIES 3.55 3.95 1.46 0.86 9.86 85
TETRYLYTE II 4.7 4.28 1.02 1 11 95
BASTION 4.77 4.09 1.69 1.01 11.55
Intermediately Maturing Cultivars
CALIBRA 4.44 4.03 1.73 1.05 11.25 94
LAGUANA 4.43 4.26 1.56 0.99 11.25 94
PSGG-9-04 4.65 4.49 1.12 0.74 11 92
ROSALIN 5.02 4.18 1.69 1.04 11.94
Late Maturing Cultivars
PIAMONTE 4.1 4.37 1.49 0.97 10.93 100
TURNDOT 4.3 4.24 1.74 0.95 11.23 103
CONDESA 4.04 4.17 1.77 0.98 10.95
Mean 4.4 4.21 1.53 0.96 11.11
CV 12.8 6.6 19.2 19.6 7.4
LSD (P 0.64 NSD* 0.24 NSD* 0.92

CV = coefficient of variation
LSD = least significant difference
Bastion, Rosalin, and Condesa were used as check cultivars.
*NSD = F-tests indicate that there were no significant differences between yields at alpha=0.05