Table 26 – 2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial – Adrian Maljaars, Chilliwack

2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial1

Adrian Maljaars, Chilliwack

2002 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 10-May Cut 2 24-Jun Cut 3 25-Jul Cut 4 27-Aug Cut 5 15-Oct Total
TWINS 3915 4014 1671 1632 1685 12918
BARFORT 3625 4313 1570 1357 1438 12303
CONDESA* 3259 4869 981 1510 1597 12217
CLERMONT 3722 4115 1392 1502 1485 12216
RODERICK 3066 4175 1462 1718 1735 12156
LAGUNA 3357 4505 1249 1226 1685 12022
ZLP86-027 3461 4098 1973 1248 1240 12020
ROSALIN* 3809 3930 1629 1119 1454 11941
BASTION* 3616 3996 1614 1095 1100 11421
ZLP89-050 3629 3987 1395 1060 1292 11363
CI R2 3193 3833 854 633 284 8796
MEAN 3514 4167 1436 1282 1363 11761
CV(%) 6.9 8.5 9.4 12.7 12.1 5.7
LSD (0.05) 351 509 194 235 237 968

1 Cultivars are not separated into maturity groups. When a second year (2002) of heading date information is recorded, this will be done and varieties can be compared to the appropriate check.

Don Bates, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Tel: 604 556-3085
Fax: 604 556-3117

Site Information: The trial is located southeast of Chilliwack. The soils are derived from floodplain deposits of the Fraser, Chilliwack and Vedder Rivers. The average surface texture is silty clay loam, but variations to silt loam and silty clay loam exist.
Design: Randomized complete block with four replicates.
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 m by 5 m respectively;

Broadcast – seeded

Fertilizer: Fertilized according to soil test in spring, then with 40-0-0 (5 1/2S) at 190 kg/ha after each of the first four cuts.
Weed Control: 2,4-D and Mecoprop applied April 20th and May 23rd.
Irrigation: None