Table 25 – 2000 Tall Fescue Trial – Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2000 Tall Fescue Trial

Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2002 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 10-Jul Cut 4 14-Aug Cut 5 19-Sep Total % of Barcel
HYMARK 4864 3237 3185 4575 2715 18576 111
HOEDOWN 4320 3143 3167 4283 3045 17957 108
FESTIVAL 3998 3461 3490 4250 2734 17933 108
STAG 4586 3276 3061 4167 2788 17879 107
MARTIN II 4518 3191 3009 3964 2644 17327 104
BARCEL* 3159 3349 3071 4218 2883 16679 100
TF9503 3580 3132 3126 4087 2512 16438 99
BAROLEX 3191 3127 2951 4220 2670 16159 97
LIFARA 1 2563 2371 2353 4619 2129 14036 84
MEAN 3865 3143 3046 4264 2680 16998 102
CV% 9.7 7.5 5.7 7.2 8.2 3.8
LSD (0.05) 550 346 254 449 320 934


Michael Betts, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Bldg. 20, 8801 East Saanich Rd. Sidney, BC V8L 1H3
Tel: 250 655-5653
Fax: 250 655-5657

Site Information: The trial is located at Pendray Farms, near Victoria International Airport, about 20 km north of Victoria. The site is on level ground at approximately 15 m above sea level and soils are sandy clay loam over marine deposits. Soils are tile drained at 12 m centres
Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 by 5.5 respectively
March 30 19-18-18 @ 75 kg/ha of nitrogen

May 7 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

June 13 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

July 11 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

August 17 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

Weed Control: October 2001 – Sprayed trial with Mecoprop at 7 litres/hectare of product for control of clover.
Irrigation: Site was irrigated as required.