Table 22 – 2000 Orchardgrass Trial – Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2000 Orchardgrass Trial

Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2002 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 10-Jul Cut 4 14-Aug Cut 5 19-Sep Total % Potomac
9601-98E 4599 3203 3379 4491 3005 18676 102
POTOMAC* 4491 3080 3186 4576 2941 18274 100
CAS-EG23 4661 3510 3515 4128 2224 18038 99
9601-98M 3807 3332 3524 4451 2826 17940 98
OG9503 3853 3204 3212 4504 2653 17426 95
CI 02 4002 3053 3090 4405 2652 17202 94
ARAMIS 3843 3612 3576 4309 1769 17109 94
9601-98L 2915 3531 3611 4062 2786 16905 93
CAS-LG31 3231 3957 3619 3887 2208 16901 92
QUANTUM 2985 3483 3601 4348 2439 16856 92
SW HA9116 2973 3284 3261 4536 2588 16643 91
LIDAGLO 2239 4142 3268 4229 2527 16406 90
MEAN 3633 3449 3403 4328 2551 17365 95
CV(%) 23.2 6.9 6.4 5.2 11.6 6
LSD (0.05) 1214 343 315 322 425 1488


Michael Betts, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Bldg. 20, 8801 East Saanich Rd. Sidney, B.C. V8L 1H3
Tel: 250 655-5653
Fax: 250 655-5657

Site Information: The trial is located at Pendray Farms, near Victoria International Airport, about 20 km north of Victoria. The site is on level ground at approximately 15 m above sea level and soils are sandy clay loam over marine deposits. Soils are tile drained at 12 m centres.
Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 by 5.5 respectively
Fertilizer: March 30 19-18-18 @ 75 kg/ha of nitrogen
May 7 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

June 13 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

July 11 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

August 17 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

Weed Control: October 2001 – Sprayed trial with Mecoprop at 7 litres/hectare of product for control of clover.
Irrigation: Site was irrigated as required.