Table 2 – 2000 Alfalfa Trial – Australian Ranch, Kersley

2000 Alfalfa Trial

Australian Ranch, Kersley

2002 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 Jul 3 Cut 2 Aug 15 Cut 3 9/20/2004 Total % of Peace
PS30088 5654 3791 1644 11089 128
CW73038 5036 3985 1611 10631 122
DK134* 5056 3888 1592 10536 121
AC LONGVIEW* 5331 3740 1427 10498 121
53V08* 4973 3931 1444 10348 119
DK124* 5135 3618 1576 10330 119
WL324* 4965 3870 1494 10329 119
AC BLUEJ* 4935 3801 1405 10141 117
LAC LA BICHE 5384 3461 1217 10062 116
PS2065MF* 4822 3664 1571 10058 116
CW5426 4588 3769 1573 9930 114
CRESTON 4980 3660 1260 9901 114
53Q60* 4871 3562 1423 9857 113
ALFAGRAZE* 5270 3391 1165 9826 113
PRO-LEAF* 4639 3429 1410 9478 109
SPARTA* 4566 3560 1295 9421 108
54V54* 4731 3131 1535 9398 108
AC GRAZELAND* 4936 3313 958 9207 106
RANGELANDER* 4937 3176 940 9052 104
PRINCE GEORGE 4725 3188 1127 9041 104
PEACE* 4730 3103 856 8689 100
BEAVER* 4071 3126 872 8069 93
RAMBLER* 3391 2339 664 6394 74
MEANS 4858 3499 1307 9665 111
CV (%) 11.1 13.1 8.5 9.1
LSD (0.05) 761 646 157 1244


Don Thompson
AAFC, 3015 Ord Road
Kamloops, BC V2B 8A9
Tel: 250 554-5202
Fax: 250 554-5229

Site Information: Class 1, Silty Loam, Gleysol, pH 6.0
Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size: 4′ x 20′, seeded at 1′ row spacing
Fertilizer: (kg/ha) N23, P99, K120, S4, B1 all at seeding
Weed Control: Embutox post-emergent 2000, None 2001, None 2002
Irrigated except for cut 3