Table 28 – 2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial – Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial1

Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2001 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 10-Jul Cut 4 14-Aug Cut 5 19-Sep Total
CONDESA* 1581 3739 1933 3459 2004 12716
LAGUNA 2392 3024 2097 3170 1933 12616
CI R2 3598 2697 1509 2803 1919 12526
BASTION* 3689 2021 1555 2830 1918 12014
TWINS 2172 3007 1488 3111 2014 11793
ZLP86-027 3036 2197 1503 2827 2009 11572
BARFORT 2084 2823 1452 3145 2034 11538
CLERMONT 2001 3469 1522 2955 1946 11393
ROSALIN* 2484 2432 1490 2880 2001 11287
ZLP89-050 1895 3037 1416 2850 1919 11117
RODERICK 1324 3048 1494 3040 1938 10844
MEAN 2387 2863 1587 3006 1967 11765
CV (%) 21.3 15.9 17.2 6.9 6
LSD (0.05) 658 394 299 171

1 Cultivars are not separated into maturity groups. When a second year (2002) of heading date information is recorded, this will be done and varieties can be compared to the appropriate check.

Michael Betts, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Bldg. 20, 8801 East Saanich Rd. Sidney, BC V8L 1H3
Tel: 250 655-5653
Fax: 250 655-5657

Site Information: The trial is located at Pendray Farms, near Victoria International Airport, about 20 km north of Victoria. The site is on level ground at approximately 15 m above sea level and soils are sandy clay loam over marine deposits. Soils are tile drained at 12 m centres.
Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 by 5.5 respectively
Fertilizer: March 30 18-18-18 @ 75 kg/ha of nitrogen

May 7 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

June 13 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

July 11 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

August 17 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

Weed Control: October 2001 – Sprayed trial with Mecoprop at 7 litres/hectare of product for control of clover.
Irrigation: Site was irrigated as required.