Table 23 – 2000 Tall Fescue Trial – Alfred Van Den Brink, Chilliwack

2000 Tall Fescue Trial

Alfred Van Den Brink, Chilliwack

2001 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 12-Jul Cut 4 29-Aug Cut 5 15-Oct Total % of Barcel
CI TF2 5089 3341 3199 2774 2420 16823 105
FESTIVAL 4810 3443 3144 2977 2283 16657 104
STAG 4972 3224 3117 2911 2425 16650 104
HYMARK 5115 3057 3040 2734 2446 16392 102
TF9503 4402 3427 3198 2816 2338 16180 101
BARCEL* 4082 3371 3011 2991 2542 15997 100
BAROLEX 3894 3432 3014 2947 2555 15842 99
HOEDOWN 4720 3220 2673 2711 2511 15835 99
LIFARA 1 3516 3009 1972 2497 2330 13325 83
MEAN 4511 3280 2930 2818 2428 15967 100
CV (%) 6 6.3 7.4 9 5.8 4.5
LSD (0.05) 398 302 316 370 204 1056

1 Lifara is a variety of meadow fescue

Don Bates, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Tel: 604 556-3085
Fax: 604 556-3117

Site Information: The trial is located east of Chilliwack. The soils are derived from floodplain deposits of the Fraser River. The general profile textures are silt loam to very fine sandy loam, with minor variation to silty clay loam. Below a depth of 20 inches, strata are often of coarser texture.
Design: Randomized complete block with four replicates.
Plot Size and Harvest Area:
1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 m by 5 m respectively;

Broadcast – seeded

Fertilizer: Fertilized according to soil test in spring, then with 40-0-0 (5 1/2S) at 190 kg/ha after each of the first four cuts.
Weed Control: 2,4-D and Mecoprop applied April 20th.
Irrigation: None, but rainfall was received regularly through the growing season except for most of July which was hot and dry.