Table 22 – 2000 Orchardgrass Trial – Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2000 Orchardgrass Trial

Pendray Farms Ltd., Sidney

2001 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 10-Jun Cut 4 14-Aug Cut 5 19-Sep Total % of Potomac
9601-98E 4006 2790 2943 3912 2617 16268 102
POTOMAC* 3912 2683 2775 3986 2561 15918 100
CAS-EG23 4060 3057 3062 3595 1938 15712 99
9601-98M 3316 2902 3069 3877 2462 15627 98
OG9503 3356 2791 2798 3923 2311 15179 95
CI 02 3486 2659 2692 3837 2310 14984 94
ARAMIS 3348 3146 3115 3754 1541 14903 94
9601-98L 2539 3076 3145 3539 2427 14725 93
CAS-LG31 2814 3446 3152 3386 1923 14722 92
QUANTUM 2600 3034 3137 3788 2125 14683 92
SW HA9116 2590 2861 2841 3952 2254 14497 91
LIDAGLO 1950 3608 2847 3684 2201 14290 90
MEAN 3165 3005 2965 3769 2222 15126 95
CV% 23.2 6.9 6.4 5.2 11.6 6
LSD (0.05) 1058 299 275 581 370 1296


Michael Betts, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Bldg. 20, 8801 East Saanich Rd. Sidney, B.C. V8L 1H3
Tel: 250 655-5653
Fax: 250 655-5657

Site Information: The trial is located at Pendray Farms, near Victoria International Airport, about 20 km north of Victoria. The site is on level ground at approximately 15 m above sea level and soils are sandy clay loam over marine deposits. Soils are tile drained at 12 m centres.

Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 by 5.5 respectively

Fertilizer: March 30 19-18-18 @ 75 kg/ha of nitrogen
May 7 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

June 13 34.5-0-0 @ 52 kg/ha of nitrogen

July 11 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

August 17 34.5-0-0 @ 80 kg/ha of nitrogen

Weed Control: October 2001 – Sprayed trial with Mecoprop at 7 litres/hectare of product for control of clover.
Irrigation: Site was irrigated as required.