Table 20 – 2000 Orchardgrass Trial – Alfred Van Den Brink, Chilliwack

2000 Orchardgrass Trial

Alfred Van Den Brink, Chilliwack

2001 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-May Cut 2 7-Jun Cut 3 12-Jun Cut 4 29-Aug Cut 5 15-Oct Total % of Potomac
9601-98E 3616 2788 2806 2872 2464 14545 105
Cas-LG31 3133 3183 2841 2721 2636 14515 105
SW HA9116 3147 2883 2777 3153 2481 14442 105
ARAMIS 3378 3145 2737 2630 2527 14416 104
QUANTUM 3173 3061 2735 2734 2522 14224 103
9601-98M 3293 2986 2847 2651 2367 14144 103
9601-98L 3159 2789 2797 2986 2364 14095 102
CI 02 3458 2703 2735 2777 2418 14089 102
LIDAGLO 3103 2980 2794 2654 2431 13962 101
CAS-EG23 3161 2774 2584 2927 2513 13959 101
POTOMAC* 3366 2659 2642 2728 2402 13797 100
OG9503 3233 2783 2733 2593 2353 13695 99
MEAN 3268 2894 2752 2785 2457 14157 103
CV (%) 6.9 8.7 4.6 9.5 7.9 4.3
LSD (0.05) 325 361 180 383 279 867


Don Bates, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Tel: 604 556-3085
Fax: 604 556-3117

Site Information: The trial is located east of Chilliwack. The soils are derived from floodplain deposits of the Fraser River. The general profile textures are silt loam to very fine sandy loam, with minor variation to silty clay loam. Below a depth of 20 inches, strata are often of coarser texture.
Design: Randomized complete block with four replicates.
Plot Size and Harvest Area:
1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 m by 5 m respectively;

Broadcast – seeded

Fertilizer: Fertilized according to soil test in spring, then with 40-0-0 (5 1/2S) at 190 kg/ha after each of the first four cuts.
Weed Control: 2,4-D and Mecoprop applied April 20th
Irrigation: None, but rainfall was received regularly through the growing season except for most of July which was hot and dry.