Table 12 – 2000 Bromegrass Trial – Australian Ranch, Kersley

2000 Bromegrass Trial

Australian Ranch, Kersley

2001 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 3-Jul Cut 2 23-Aug Total % of Check
Smooth Brome Smooth Brome
Pasture type Pasture type
MANCHAR* 6021 3453 9474 100
Hay type Hay type
SIGNAL* 7622 2786 10408 100
CARLTON* 6700 3219 9919 95
Alaskan Brome Alaskan Brome
BOSIR 6187 3482 9669 100
Meadow Brome Meadow Brome
FLEET* 7826 3098 10924 98
PADDOCK* 6246 3234 9480 85
REGAR* 7791 3356 11148 100
Hybrid Hybrid
S9197K 6643 2916 9559 100
MEAN 6939 3217 10156 97
CV (%) 22.9 10 15.7
LSD (0.05) 2321 470 2323


Don Thompson
AAFC, 3015 Ord Road
Kamloops, BC V2B 8A9
Tel: 250 554-5202
Fax: 250 554-5229

Site Information: Class 1, Silty Loam, Gleysol, pH 6.0
Design: Randomized complete block with 4 reps
Plot Size: 4′ x 20′, seeded at 1′ row spacing
Fertilizer: (kg/ha) N162 split over 2 applications, P102, K120
Weed Control: Embutox postemergent 2000, Banvel 2001