Table 2 – 1998 Alfalfa Variety Trial B – Kamloops

1998 Alfalfa Variety Trial B

Range Research Unit, Kamloops, B.C. (Irrigated)

2000 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 13-Jun Cut 2 24-Jul Cut 3 10-Oct Total 2 Year Mean % Of Peace
Cascadia ML* 4849 2710 3446 11005 12198 119
Multistar* 4852 3203 3092 11149 11894 116
DCW1361 4380 2769 4400 11550 11800 115
DCW3305 5223 2779 3347 11349 11644 113
Ultrastar* 4362 2886 3305 10554 11134 109
PS95106 5358 2560 2672 10590 10641 104
Peace* 3977 2891 1745 8613 10261 100
Spredor 3* 4575 2480 2197 9251 9683 94
Mean 4175 2475 2689 9340 11157
LSD (0.05) 1066 388 1320 1617
CV% 16 10 30 11


Dr. Don Thompson, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Kamloops Range Research Unit
3015 Ord Road, Kamloops, BC V2B 8A9
Tel: (250) 554-5202 Fax: (250) 554-5229


Design: Randomized block with 4 reps
Seeded: Spring 1998
Plot Size: 1.5m by 6m with a 30cm row spacing.
Fertlizer: None
Weed Control: None.
Harvested: 1999 10% bloom, 2000 full bloom, lodged.
Site: The trial is on a level area at 345m elevation which has been cultivated for about 50 years. The soil, developed on alluvial deposits, has been classified to the family level: Orthic Humic Gleysol, 60cm of fine loamy over coarse loamy, mixed, alkaline, cool semi-arid. The soil is stone free and the plough layer contains 2.5-3.5% organic carbon.