Table 1 – 1998 Alfalfa Variety Trial A – Kamloops

1998 Alfalfa Variety Trial A

Range Research Unit, Kamloops, BC (Irrigated)

2000 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 13-Jun Cut 2 24-Jul Cut 3 10-Oct Total 2 Year Mean % Of Peace
WL324* 2070 2998 3444 8065 10128 111
WL252 HQ* 2288 2854 3451 8168 9849 108
WL325 1879 2881 3135 8113 9838 108
Quattro HR* 2377 2814 3100 8049 9703 106
DCW5004 1883 2991 3050 8144 9645 106
Able* 1901 2553 2827 8042 9487 104
Proleaf* 2221 2933 2887 7994 9246 101
Peace* 2017 2553 1596 8089 9119 100
SF 9001 2052 3163 3169 7994 9016 99
Mean 2076 2860 2962 8073 9559
LSD (0.05) 444 460 616 1033


Dr. Don Thompson, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Kamloops Range Research Unit
3015 Ord Road, Kamloops, BC V2B 8A9
Tel: (250) 554-5202 Fax: (250) 554-5229


Design: Randomized block with 4 reps
Seeded: Spring 1998
Plot Size: 1.5m by 6m with a 30cm row spacing
Fertilizer: None
Weed Control: None
Harvested: 1999 10% bloom, 2000 full bloom, lodged
Site: The trial is on a level area at 345m elevation which has been cultivated for about 50 years. The soil, developed on alluvial deposits, has been classified to the family level: Orthic Humic Gleysol, 60 cm of fine loamy over coarse loamy, mixed, alkaline, cool semi-arid. The soil is stone free and the plough layer contains 2.5-3.5% organic carbon.