Explanation of Statistical Notation

-CV (%) – Coefficient of Variation

Describes a relative measure of overall experimental variability in a test which is useful in comparing test results at different locations and by different cooperators. It is expressed as a % of average yield. Less than 12% for total dry matter yield is thought to indicate a well-controlled test.

-LSD (0.05) – Least Significant Difference

If the difference between two varieties is greater than the LSD value, then it can be stated that the varieties are significantly different 19 out of 20 times.

Table Notation

An asterisk (*) denotes varieties registered for sale in Canada as of March 31, 2001. It may not include some that were entered under a test number and subsequently became registered as a proper name. The date in the title above each table indicates the year of planting.


The financial support of the Beef Cattle Industry Development Fund is gratefully acknowledged, as is the generous donation of land by cooperating farmers. The cooperation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in sharing drying facilites with other agencies is appreciated. Thanks to Bruce Roddan, AAFC, Kamloops, for doing statistical analysis and to Michael Haywood, formerly of AAFC, Kamloops, for seeding Interior trials. Thank you to the trial cooperators (listed underneath each table) and their technicians, summer students, etc. for conducting the trials. Desktop publishing was kindly provided by Joan McGowan, BCMAFF, Abbotsford and the bulletin was published by the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.