Highway 16 Summary 2008 – Project Extension
The BC Forage Council was able to extend the 2004 – 2006 Highway 16 trials at the Fort Fraser site to include 2008 harvest data for alfalfa and grass.
Alfalfa Harvest – Fort Fraser 2008 (5 years data)
Grass Harvest – Fort Fraser 2008 (5 years data)
The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands provided a grant to the BC Forage Council to conduct three years of wheat variety trials in the area surrounding Prince George. The objective of the trial was to examine the feasibility of locally produced wheat for ethanol production.
The project developed three wheat/barley trials in Hixon, Prince George and Vanderhoof. The project consisted of 4 replicated plots containing approximately 20 varieties and was conducted over a three year period. Doug Hatfield, Vern Badry and Halltray Farms are co-operating producers with plots located on their farms. Thank you to the co-operators.
Through the trials we hope to identify early maturing varieties suitable for ethanol production and to identify varieties that are not susceptible to disease.
The first season of 2006 was troubled with the local drought. In 2007 Halltray’s was seeded on May 10. Seeding at Badry’s and Hatfield’s was delayed to late May due to wet conditions. The 2007 harvest occurred in October, again due to wet conditions.
In 2008, Halltray’s was seeded on May 16, Hatfield’s on May 30 and Badry’s on June 3rd. All plots were very dry after seeding, causing delayed germination. The canola field beside Halltray’s plot was sprayed with glyphosate, and drift from the sprayer killed most of the wheat and barley in three of the reps. The rest had to be destroyed. After late seeding, Hatfield’s progressed at a normal rate and was ready to harvest on Sept. 30. Some of the straw was still green at this time. Seeding at Badry’s was very late, with germination in late June. The crop did not dry down until October 24th. The straw of Ponoka barley was still green at this date.
All grain was damaged by frost in 2008.
Traugott Klein, BCFC
Brent Barclay, BCMAL
Badry and Hatfield 2006 – 2008
Barley: For the three year average bu/acre, Ponoka and Manny out-performed the check variety AC Lacombe at Badry’s. Manny, Xena and Ponoka out-performed the check variety AC Lacombe at Hatfield’s.
Wheat: For the three year average, no variety out-performed the check variety Peace.