2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage – Mapes

2004 – 2006 Cereal Silage Harvest – Mapes

Aug 17
Aug 18
Aug 1
3 Year Average
DM Yield in kg/ha 2004-2006 % of check
Boyer 5351 5511
CDC Baler 4446+ 5394 5727 5189 119
CDC Bell 2958+ 6978 4674 4870 112
Waldren 5035+ 4028 5238 4767 109
Morgan 6469 3384 4125 4659 107
Derby 5618 3486 3958 4354 100
Mean 4980 4797 4745 4879 .
CV 33 34 18 15 .
LSD NSD 1635 901 NSD .
Seebe 7346 10,007 4467 7273 102
AC Lacombe 8035 8854 4536 7142 100
Vivar 8244 8688 4203 7045 99
Helgasen 7986 8834 4131 6984 98
Manny 7331 8791 4044 6722 94
Xena 7489 8514 3867 6623 93
Ponoka 6256 8088 4771 6372 89
CDC Dolly 7364 7785 3660 6270 88
CDC Bold 5191 9470 3776 6146 86
CDC Cowboy 6479 7199 4540 6073 85
Trochu 7424 7329 2726 5826 82
Dillon 5968 7259 3216 5481 77
Westford 5714 6633 2955 5101 71
Niska 7363
FB 006 6567
FB 414 5203
FB 013 4783
FB 012 4323
FB 416 3456
Mean 7014 8144 4043 6388 .
CV 17 17 22 13 .
LSD 1214 1483 1030 850 .

+ Yield reduced by significant lodging.

Note: Maple and Parade peas were grown in mixtures with Ponoka barley in 2006, but produced little growth due to drought conditions.

CV = Coefficient of variation
LSD = Least significant difference
NSD = F tests indicate that there were no significant differences between variety yields at alpha = 0.05
AC Lacombe was used as the barley check variety and Derby was used as the check variety for oats.