Table 27 – 2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial – Huizing Brothers, Matsqui

2000 Perennial Ryegrass Trial 1

Huizing Brothers, Matsqui

2002 Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar or Strain Cut 1 18-May Cut 2 22-Jun Cut 3 22-Jul Cut 4 29-Aug Cut 5 11-Oct Total
TWINS 4163 3181 1830 989 1226 11388
LAGUNA 3380 3289 1801 1250 1422 11142
ROSALIN* 4425 2642 1895 879 1127 10969
BARFORT 3971 3063 1815 952 1157 10958
ZLP86-027 3912 2566 1942 1084 1241 10745
RODERICK 3119 3347 1659 1150 1310 10585
CLERMONT 3715 3167 1508 923 1232 10545
ZLP89-050 4082 3021 1615 608 1154 10480
BASTION* 3929 2537 1750 920 1156 10292
CONDESA* 2622 4093 1321 718 1248 10003
CI R2 3540 2677 1004 481 394 8096
MEAN 3714 3053 1649 905 1152 10473
CV(%) 7 8.9 6.8 14.1 10.8 4
LSD (0.05) 374 391 161 184 180 611

1 Cultivars are not separated into maturity groups. When a second year (2002) of heading date information is recorded, this will be done and varieties can be compared to the appropriate check.

Don Bates, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Tel: 604 556-3085
Fax: 604 556-3117

Site Information: The trial is located north of Abbotsford. The soils have developed from medium and some moderately fine-textured Fraser River floodplain deposits, 50 cm or more deep, that overlie sand. Surface and subsurface textures are mostly silt loam, occasionally varying to very fine sandy loam or silty clay loam.
Design: Randomized complete block with four replicates.
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2 m by 6 m and 0.6 m by 5 m respectively;

Broadcast – seeded

Fertilizer: Fertilized according to soil test in spring, then with 40-0-0 (5 1/2S) at 190 kg/ha after each of the first four cuts.
Weed Control: 2,4-D and Mecoprop applied April 20th.
Irrigation: None, but rainfall was received regularly through the growing season