Table 8 – 1996 Grass Variety Trial, Tomslake

1996 Grass Variety Trial

Bob and Joan Tubb, Tomslake, BC

Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha)
Cultivar 1997 3-Jul 1998 3-Jul 1999 29-Jun 2000 2 cuts 4 Year Mean % of Check
Shawnee 532 3349 3797 3236 2729 103
Kay* 670 3235 3624 3119 2662 100
Elsie* 446 3078 3586 3228 2585 97
Arctic* 765 2833 3475 3034 2527 95
AC Splendor* 504 3114 3317 3046 2495 94
Mean 583 3122 3560 3133 2600
Courtenay* 994 3297 3053 2368 2428 100
Montebello* 639 2404 3307 2750 2275 94
Climax* 1744 3728 4285 3530 3322 100
Tiller* 832 3305 4603 4054 3199 96
AC Alliance* 1318 3347 4282 3304 3063 92
Colt* 1336 2574 4318 3737 2991 90
Mean 1308 3239 4372 3656 3144


Jim Forbes, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries
Tel: (250) 784-2225 Fax: (250) 784-2299

Site Information: The site is located 20 miles South East of Dawson Creek on Hazelmere-Snipe soil with a CLI rating of 4X
Design: Randomized complete block with four reps.
Plot Size and Harvest Area: 1.2m by 6m and 0.6m by 4.5m respectively. Varieties were planted in 30.5cm rows
Fertlizer: 150 lbs/acre 13-16-10 each fall plus 100 lbs/acre 34-0-0 each spring.
Harvesting: First cut at early heading stage in late June and a second cut in late August if sufficient regrowth.